Comparison: Starting a Business + Having a Baby

As a continued reader, we know that you’re interested (or maybe considering) in building a business while also raising a family.

We believe that starting a business and having/raising a baby have many similarities, and we’d like to share some insights on this topic.

First, both starting a business and having/raising a baby require a significant investment of time, energy, and resources. Just like a baby requires constant attention and care, a business requires constant nurturing and attention to grow and thrive.

Jena here - I know firsthand the joys and challenges that come with growing a family and continuing to follow your personal and professional dreams. I’m here to encourage you that you can totally do it simultaneously. Let’s take one goal at a time…

Second, both starting a business and having/raising a baby can be challenging, but also immensely rewarding. Just as raising a child can bring immeasurable joy, starting a successful business can bring financial and time freedom, allowing you to spend more time with the people you love while doing work that you’re passionate about.

There are times when we want to enjoy a particular season so we may slow down in other areas of life to really enjoy the moments and be more present with friends and family.

Third, both starting a business and having/raising a baby require resilience and adaptability. You’ll encounter setbacks and challenges along the way, but if you’re able to stay focused on your goals and be flexible in your approach, you can overcome these challenges and achieve success.

At The Vargas Company, we’re dedicated to helping moms and parents build successful businesses that allow them to achieve financial and time freedom while also prioritizing their families. We believe that entrepreneurship can be a powerful tool for creating the life that you want, and we’re committed to supporting you on your journey.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to build a successful business while also raising a family, we encourage you to check out our resources and join our community of like-minded parents. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for your continued support, and we hope to hear from you soon.

with love & gratitude,



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